tag before and script tag to work Can include HTML tags inside document.write("Hellow World") Need to use
tags top object is window.alert("message") not necessary to include window user triggered alert by placing in form button using no script tags just event Handler onClick="alert('message')" and form note use of two "" '' parenthesis Then create a function saySomething() activate with a button - this will be the basis of homework assignment. CAUTION: when using notepad to input code do not place a carriage return inside a JavaScript statement or line of code - it will not work! Also make sure you add the .html extension to the file name when saving your scripts in web page. 12) Confirm(" Question") returns Boolean True or False if you choose cancel returns null - ie nothing Confirm('Are aliens visiting our planet?) Include and If else statement and write out a reply 13) Prompt box - user input prompt("Question", "text") you can store information in the prompt by assigning a variable to the prompt var=prompt("What is your name", "name") document.write("
tag to move to next line Can also use \n see Chapter 2 page 14 11) Alert boxes - see Chapter 2 page 17 - Negrino Book. alert("message") automatic alert by placing inGreetings" + var + "
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
Introduction to JavaScript
Get acquainted with JavaScript
Outcome: Students will learn what JavaScript is, where to put scripts in an HTML document and
how to write simple scripts.
1.1 JavaScript vs Java vs HTML, automatic & triggered scripts
1.2 Where to put your scripts in an HTML document
1.3 How to hide scripts from old web browsers
1.4 How to put comments in scripts
1.5 Alert boxes
1.6 Confirm & Prompt boxes
1.7 Calling functions with a button - MCQ assignment
1. What is JavaScript and how is different from JAVA and HTML?
see table
2. Types of JavaScript
Client side - runs in browser
Server side - runs on server - embeded in web page but
processed on server
3. Scripts can run automatically or be user triggered
4. Placing Scripts
a) in Head tag - this prevents user triggered errors during downloading
b) in body - including within body tag as an attribute
c) within forms as Event handlers - script tag not required
Can be copied from web
code can be copyrighted
Developed by Sun
James Gosling 199(originally
called Oak changed to Java
True programming
compiled to bytecode
(not machine code)
platform independent
Object oriented - can create
their own classes
Currently version 1.2
Requires machine specific
interpretor or can use a web
fully extensible i.e. has
unlimited no of objects
including classes with
case sensitive
can be used for client server
In web pages - Applets
can not be copied from web
page - user must make
program available
code can be copyrighted
6. Comment TAGS
JavaScript // single line comment
/* multiple line comments */
Adding comments to your script is very important so that you and others know what the various
components do especially if you examine the script after several months.
Netscape 1.0 does not support JavaScript
Internet Explorer 2.0 earlier does not support JavaScript
Some other browsers including most WYSIWYG HTML editors do not support JavaScript
Make sure you view scripts in both major browsers to see if it works!
7. Dot Syntax
document = object
write() = method something the object does
object. property.method()
Hierachy window is the top not necessary to include
Note JavaScript is case sensitive!
8. Parenthesis
" " or ' ' double or single can mix " ' " " always pair properly
"" says treat as a literal value
9. Braces - Chicken lips - used with functions
10. Outputting to Screen (Can not send to printer)
document.write("Hello World")
document.writeln("Hello World") l is small letter L
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